Friday, April 1, 2011

All ports be thy safer haven . . .

Tawny Port
Oh! To what mud dost we regard sweeter wine ? Nosed in elements finite, so contrite the aroma’s being...we look’d upon it as the drone’s liquidities; hence, as we have mired upon it still. . . Ergo, the knowing winesman doth regard its own being as smutty indeed; though, I beckon to tell of something seen enjoyed across mine own lips. Revel in, if willingness prevail, the scheme of Port; but do not believe, if insofar as one may do, to believe the drink itself is scheming. The potable saint to the Portuguese, has been whatsoever novel to riches understood and progenies so kindred. Evermore, a fine science there is to its determinate chance at the table’s firmament; when all is clear and dusted away, and the meal in posthume does not fill us in parody, the portwine would plainly exist in the din exact. I harbor yon feelings, to whom however clear, the notes are justly salient to the tongue in rhapsody. Alone, to say of things picked from the tree, bush, or peddler’s sachet, is not rhetoric’s façade, but items hitherto scribbled in books; the notes, which parlay my belief. We know palates colored incuriously, but I knoweth mine justly. To whither, whither in haste do we see our Rubicon of Ruby, or genial Tawny endorsed ? For this, I am lost within a game. . .

Only helpings lead to indecisiveness as I have supposed, surely when uncommented, redeem the qualities of two wines. One, the tawny with so much of the Hazel Tree’s falling nut, do we bespeak its color. Two, the wine transfigured from the will of the ruby grape, is always nigh to the outlook upon thy compatriot cherry. Basking as in such, the working art of the tawny porto; the candied nut, an addition to thy nightly Spanish custard is for tandem, as what nuance can currently feed to my own tongue. Hither! what do I view from reddened curtains and robes enfolded ? The imitable ruby where scarlet confections would see themselves living; promotions sheer as the Fakir’s spicebowl. Relinquish all qualities for the contented Ruby portwine ! The tiny thief who robs the plum! The scapegrace cress-seller who meddles in advice given to Mediterranean fruits inbibed! Lest, the bourbon pod not be last in mention, let the taste maketh my face reel happily in this,
Fonseca Ruby
and the imitable flavors in hind ! Procure me a vintage for yearly reds, while only proclaim the agéd tawny in the human year, both tend to suffice, not if laziness and pelf stop me.                                                
Whereupon do I seek to imbibe such glory ? For the easiest questions are answers scaled in pictures; for this, I will no doubt show thee mine honorary drink so ceaselessly poured. Vacant fortnights abroad, as I may say, the ‘House of Fonseca’ may share with me the same reprieves in drinking and in the creation thusly . . . Envoy to carnal pleasure remain! The Bin 27 as numbered, truly the sum of vindicated fortification. The plum recalling its undertow to the flattened berry for which they both would not cease; if not by their juice, then by the tantamount to Moorish fruits, acting as if acquaintances duly courted.

We sacrifice in need, for once, the couchant henchman who so readily donned the able grape and released so much content; as if to have it alone, only to pour it into the ungainly bowls of hounds ? No, not for we the consummate, who so keenly dwell and delve for the nectar incarnate, to be ere, and not err in scope of glasses cordially well-filled. Bah ! For him who deals me threadbare sweets ! Oh Fie ! For he who remarks that the best harvest is procrastinating sugars in due form ! See the barrel overfilled with the compensates of man and grape ! Far flung from the technique is its sole being . . .but not the plushy few of the tawniest, and our carmine red. Call others Muscat, Apple and Honey, all which have enflamed paths, but preference throughout, I would seek even mulled Claret instead.

Port wine brings out mine own mischief in the premiere of things . . .

(* * *April Fools! * * *)

-Brian K. Maniotis
Westchester Wine Warehouse Team

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